U-Nite Cup (women’s social 7-a-side)

πŸ’₯ Commences from Saturday the 28th of October πŸ’₯
To celebrate the FIFA Women’s World Cup, MCSA is introducing a new 7-a-side cup to increase women’s participation.
πŸ’₯ ​If your team is registered in our new 7-a-side league, you are invited to register FOC. πŸ’₯ ​
Come on board and have a bit of fun.
πŸ‘‰ Easy online registration:
πŸ‘‰ Want to know more?
email: secretary@mcsafootball.org.au
MCSA supports grassroots community football for women.
Acknowledgment: GF Creative
MCSA is Community Football
Stronger United​ ​​