Team Registration Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.League * Community Bank League 2 (metro) 2025 MCSA League 2 (Eastern) 2025 MCSA League 2 (Northwest) 2025 MCSA Over 35s Men (2025) Platinum Developers League A Saturday (Metro) 2025 Silicon Stack Premier League 2025 Women 7-a-side Social League 2025Team Name *Postcode *First ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceSuburb NameFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceMunicipalityFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceGround nearest to your Team base (relevant for winter leagues only) *Waiting to load Ground ListTeam Contact (Primary)Surname *Given name *Address - Street Number & Name *Suburb *Postcode *Email Address *Team Website or FacebookTelephone *Signature *Date *Team Contact (Secondary)Surname Given name Address - Street Number & Name Suburb PostcodeEmail Address Team Website or FacebookTelephone SignatureDateTeam Logo * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please provide a quality image of your Team LogoTeam Uniform ColourHomeTop *Shorts *Socks *Please provide image of uniform * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. AwayTop *Shorts *Socks *Please provide image of uniform * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Payment StatusPendingCompletedFailedOrder Payment IDRegistration Deposit: $300.00 AUD Declaration I/we declare that all of the above information is true and complete. I/we declare that I/we have the authority to commit the above named team to the Melbourne Chinese Soccer Association (MCSA). I/we declare the above named team is aware it is participating in games at its own risk and agree to assume all risk of personal injury from any cause and indemnify the MCSA, ground owners, opposing clubs/players/officials, sponsors, match committee/officials, councils and other municipal authorities that may be involved in providing playing venues from any injuries sustained or incidents arising or loss incurred (which may give rise to a claim of damages) from the game and general competition. I/we therefore commit the above named team to playing in the MCSA competition and the team and its management agree to abide by all MCSA Rules, Regulations, Policies, Constitution and MCSA Committee decisions. I/we commit the above named team to paying all relevant fees and penalties associated with playing in the MCSA in a timely manner Consent I/we understand that soccer is a limited contact sport and that there is a risk of injury involved in playing soccer. In the event of any injury or illness, I authorise any official from Melbourne Chinese Soccer Association to obtain on my behalf and at my expense any medical assistance, treatment and transportation as deemed necessaryAgreement *I acknowledge and accept the declaration and consent.(Please wait. Transferring you to your registration deposit payment.) IMPORTANT - Team Registration is incomplete unless payment is successfully processed. - Team Registration is subject to acceptance by the MCSA Committe. MessageSubmit